Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Static Member Functions of Class in C++

Like static member variable, we can also have static member functions in a class. A member function that is declared static has the following properties:
  1. A static member function can have access to only other static members (functions or variables) declared in the same class
  2. A static member function can be called using the class name (instead of its objects) as follows:
Program below illustrates the implementation of these characteristics:
Output of the above program would be:
In the above program:
  1. The static member function showcount() displays the number of objects created till that moment
  2. A count of number of objects created is maintained by the static variable count
  3. The function showcode() displays the code number of each object
  4. Note that the statement:
    is executed whenever setcode() function is invoked and current value of count is assigned to code. Since each object has its own copy of code, the value contained in code represents a unique number of its object


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